Thursday, September 18, 2014

Young Men and Young Women Activities in Kathmandu Branch

Mike was asked to help the young men with activities and I am helping with young women. Mike arranged for the boys to go to an indoor football field(aka soccer) and they had a great time. Then in August we hired a van and took the youth to the Fun Valley Water Park, which is about 45 minutes outside of Kathmandu. They enjoyed playing in the water and going down the slides and experiencing the ocean wave pool. Then it decided to rain and we went inside for food. The rain stopped and they went out and enjoyed the amusement park rides. It was a fun day for all and on the way home most of them fell asleep. Can you believe we wore them out.

reading the rules

A few nonmembers came too. Fun activity

Young women leaders and 2 of the girls

Prasab and Jeevs

Sister Smina putting sunscreen on her brother Jeevs

enjoying the water and the slides

Where's Mike? Not hard to find in the wave pool.

waiting to get on the rides

Most of those who came. Mike is taking the picture.

ride home. We wore them out. Time for sleep.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Rajesh Hamal Wedding Reception May 28, 2014

Rajesh Hamal is the brother of one of our NGO partners Rakesh Hamal. Rajesh, is a very famous movie star and celebrity in Nepal.  Everyone knows him. He finally decided to get married. He is like over 50 years old and his now wife is about 27 so big age difference. We felt very privileged to be invited to the reception. We had met Rajesh a couple of times before at Rakesh's home. Understanding now that Rajesh and his wife Madhu live there too. Anyway, it was a fun evening with paparazzi, beautiful gowns, and lots of interesting food. The Himals are a great family. We met their three sisters, one is a doctor in the U.S. , one a dentist in U.S. and the third is a Dr. in Kathmandu. They visited with us and are such nice people. Rajesh and his wife treated us kindly and invited us to have a picture with them. It was fun to dress up and go out.

Valentines and Wasuitas outside our apartment before
we left for the event.

Hallway outside the main room in the Hotel where the
reception took place.

Paparazzi taking pictures of the bride and groom and family.

Madhu Bhattarai and Rajesh Hamal(center) and guests

Betty and Mike Wasuita with the happy couple.
The bride is very beautiful.

Rakesh and Sunilla Hamal
brother to the groom
our partner in NRSD, Safa Sunaulo,
wheelchairs and helping babies breathe
Great Guy!

people mingling at the reception

Roasted turkeys
part of the dinner buffet